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i is for insects
Okay.... so, anyone who knows me knows that insects and bugs of any sort would be hard-pressed to find their way onto any list of things that I enjoy, let alone things that inspire me. And yet, here they are. It all began just a month or so ago, while on a walk. Dan and I had already stumbled upon some interesting finds, including a little green Candy Land man and an oscilloscope (which I learned is used to measure waves and frequency), when we came to a beautiful striped beetle. Dan tapped it with his sandal and it flipped over, playing dead. I felt kinda bad for the little guy, so I tried to upright him (surprising Dan…and possibly myself…that I would actually touch it). It wasn’t long before we were on our way, but the beetle must have impressed itself upon my memory. Later that evening I found myself plopped down on the couch, sketching away with The Gardener’s Bug Book in my lap. Sketches of bugs turned to drawings of bug-inspired characters. And I realized, in that moment, that I was actually inspired by insects.
But when a theme is evident it would be wise of us to take notice.
Insects have such a gossamer and elegant appeal sometimes, that is if (and only if) you can resist that reaction of disgust that flows so quickly and easily.
Congradulations on actually touching a bug.
But when a theme is evident it would be wise of us to take notice.
Insects have such a gossamer and elegant appeal sometimes, that is if (and only if) you can resist that reaction of disgust that flows so quickly and easily.